OSD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is ISO and IEC OSD the same?

Yes, The online editor is exactly the same for ISO and IEC, however the integration within their own ecosystem is different since ISO and IEC have different IT environment and different systems to support their standard development process. More information is available in this article: ISO and IEC OSD - is it different?

2. Are the rules, processes and Directives the same whereas I use OSD or the Word-based traditional standards development?

Yes, whereas you use the Word-based template (simple template) to draft your standard or the OSD, all rules, processes and ISO/IEC Directives remains the same. The Online Document is fully integrated into the ISO system and application to make it easier for Committee to develop standards as the DP2 and ISO editorial rules are incorporated into the heart of the platform. Useful information is available in this article: OSD procedure summary

3. Can I work on OSD offline?

No, the OSD is an online collaborative platform where all standards contributors can work collaboratively. If you need to do some work offline, you download the Word version of the document to make your review but you will then need to enter your changes again in the system when have a connection.

4. Why can I only access the online document in read-only mode?

Permission access to the online document are driven by the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 and will depend on your role in the Committee or Working Group as well as on the stage of the project. For more information about access and permission please view the OSD Permissions article or depending on the stage of the project, please check the permission per stage available here: Online documents stage by stage

5. Can I export the document in Word?

Yes, if you have permission to work in the document (not read-only) you can also export the document in Word. More information available: Export document in Word or HTML

6. How can I add an ISO graphical symbol in my online document?

Currently there is no connection between the online document and the ISO graphical symbol database therefore you need to add the graphical symbol as a figure: Add and manage figures. The integration between OSD and the ISO graphical symbol database has been identified as a priority and will be worked on in 2025.

7. Is it possible to have access to a sandbox?

Yes, we have two sandbox available. One Sandbox to trial collaborative authoring, used by officers and WG experts, and one sandbox for members to trial the member commenting process. Access to the sandbox can be requested to helpdesk@iso.org

More information on training and suggested exercises for the sandbox are available here: OSD Sandbox (training environment)

8. Do OSD projects still need to be submitted via the Submission Interface at stage 30.99

Yes, projects developed online still need to be submitted via the Submission Interface in projects to submit the explanatory report to ISOCS and validate the stage. The Production team will review your submission and contact you if needed. Your submission will be validated if:

  • The online document contains no track change
  • The online document contains no unresolved comments
  • The submission do not include a Word or PDF version of your draft. Only the online document will be treated.

For more information via the article: Submission Interface for OSD projects

9. I am a national expert and I can no longer provide comments during CD consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot. Why?

During a CD Consultation, DIS or FDIS ballot, voters and/or NMC Secretaries can stop the commenting from National experts (NMCs experts) to allow for enough time to resolve National comments before the ISO ballot closes. More information is available in this article: Pause commenting during CD Consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot

10.What is the new Asset Management system?

The aim of the asset management system is to:

  • Manage assets, images and revisable files, in one and unique place
  • Simplify collaboration, access to source files and history keeping
  • Simplify submission process to ISOCS (no more need to upload graphics source file with the submission)
  • Enable assets' traceability
  • Restore online document at a specific stage with their assets (versioning)

For more information about the new Asset Management system view this article: New Asset Management System for OSD - FAQ

11.Can I provide feedback to the OSD project team?

Yes, the OSD project team appreciates and welcomes all user feedback, this helps improve and evolve our existing services to meet user needs. You can either participate to a feedback session or provide feedback using our feedback form. More information is available in this article: OSD feedback

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