Meetings release notes

In this article

2024/06 Release

Released on 2024-06-19

Version 1.19.0

TMB resolution 31/2024

Further to TMB Resolution 31/2024 the following updates have been implemented regarding the ISO Meetings application

Add the possibility to register by correspondence on a Face-to-Face meeting for TC/SC meetings only

  • allow NSBs to participate by correspondence to face-to-face meetings when they cannot participate in person.

2023/12 Release

Released on 2023-12-12

Version 1.18.4

Release 2023/12 focuses on small improvements based on feedback received, and bug fixes.

  • New Documents widget providing direct navigation to the Documents platform to access the meeting documents.
  • Improved user experience for users unable to register. Whenever the registration is not possible, a new button appears to assist experts unable to self-register for the meeting.
  • Additional meeting sessions labels have been included in the Spanish and Dutch languages.
  • General improvements and bug fixes

2023/07 Release

Released on 2023-07-24

Version 1.18.2

Release 2023/07 focuses on improvements based on feedback received, and bug fixes.

  • Improvement of the ICS calendar file and calendar feed (added meeting and event information, including virtual meeting access information)
  • Cancelled meetings now display "Cancelled" next to the committee reference in each tab
  • The list of meetings to which a user is not-registered to is displayed again
  • Bug fixes

2023/06 Release

Released on 2023-06-21

Version 1.18.

Release 2023/06 focuses on the creation and management of sessions based on feedback received, and bug fixes.

Sessions provides you with:

  1. more flexibility in meeting formats (for participants and organizers alike)
  2. easier collaboration among experts across different regions
  3. tailored solutions for meeting organizers

The key features are:

  • Visual timeline of sessions & events now available 
  • Meetings now all have start/end times
  • Sessions within meetings may have their own start/end times (different to the overall meeting time)
  • Hybrid meeting session formats can be a mix of face-to-face, virtual and hybrid sessions
  • Participants have the flexibility to register to specific sessions
  • Attendance can be managed at both the meeting and sessions level
  • Notifications will be sent for any change related to a session update

  • Meeting organizer can:
    • create multiple day meetings with start time and end time for each day ​​ 
    • create sessions (up to 10) for each day of meeting (optional)​​ 
    • Manage attendance at the overall meeting and at session level​​ 
    • download attendance list & attendance details with session attendance information​​ 
    • Modify meeting period after meeting is confirmed from the UI 
  • Participants can:
    • self-register to sessions of meetings they are registered to​​ 
    • add meeting and sessions info to calendar (download .ics file) or subscribe to calendar feed​​ 
    • receive notifications about session related changes 
  • Meeting Participant Approver can:​​ 
    • register delegations to meetings and sessions within meetings​​ 
    • manage registration to sessions for delegation​​ s
    • receive notifications about session related changes

2022/10 Release

Released on 2022-10-11

Version 1.17

Release 2022/05 focuses on improvements based on feedback received, and bug fixes

  • For hybrid meeting registrations, the Don't know option for Attendance type is no longer available. Participants registering will have to select between the two options: Face-to-Face or "Virtual.
  • The Comment field is mandatory to fill in, when canceling a meeting
  • Chair-elect in Global Directory is now recognized as a meeting organizer and has the same permissions as the Chairperson in the Meetings application
  • Export of meetings list from My meetings, All meetings, and meetings Search now includes number of attendees and and also the number of registered participants that did not attend the meeting
  • ISOlutions members using the Meetings platform can now manage registration for their national committees categorized as type: GOV in the Global Directory (non technical committees)
  • Improved error messages:
    • New descriptive text on the Additional virtual meeting details field and error message to explain that the field is limited to 2000 characters.
    • Error message to explain URL entered for Virtual meeting details is limited to 1024 characters
  • Bug fixes

2022/05 Release

Released on 2022-05-02

Version 1.16

Release 2022/05 focuses on implementation of TMB resolution 24/2022

  • As per TMB resolution 24/2022 on item of DMT rec 05/2021, the deadline for submitting draft agenda for TC and SC virtual meetings is now set at 8 weeks prior to the meeting start date. Email notifications to be sent to meeting organizers and task alerts to be displayed on the meetings application have been updated to meet this new deadline.
  • Bug fixes

2022/04 Release

Released on 2022-04-08

Version 1.15.5

Release 2022/04 focuses on process and user interface related changes and bug fixes

  • Meeting type label changed:
    • Onsite --> Face-to-Face
    • Onsite/ Virtual
  • Committee selection is the first step in creation of meeting. Relevant articles: 
  • Bug fixes

2022/02 Release

Released on 2022-02-10

Version 1.15

Release 2022/02 focuses on time related enhancements

  • One day meetings (where start time is same as end time
    • One day meetings (start date is same as end date) must have a start time and end time
    • A new option labelled “Time” is available in the meeting period selection screen. It is the default option displayed during meeting creation
    • Time zone selection for virtual meetings with start time and end time: now available in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time standard
  • View meetings in local time zone
    • A new icon available in the "My meetings", "All meetings", "Search results" (map view and grid view), and in the "Meeting overview" page, to view the start time of meeting(s) in the user’s local time, and GMT (UTC+00), in addition to the time zone selected by the meeting organizer. 
    • “export to excel” of meeting details (from "My meetings", "All meetings" and meeting "Search results") includes meeting time in 3 time zones: as selected by meeting organizer, GMT (UTC+00), and in user’s local time zone (device time)
  • Meetings without a start time and end time:
    • must be for a duration of 2 days or more (use the option "DAYS" in period selection step)
    • Maximum meeting duration has been extended from 2 weeks to 1 month (31 days)
  • A new text box labelled Additional online meeting details available
    • Meeting organizers can enter details (such as topic of meeting, dial-in phone numbers, etc.) manually in this text box
    • For *Zoom meetings scheduled from within the ISO meetings application*, the text box is automatically filled in based on information retrieved from Zoom*Feature available to only meeting organizers logged in with their ISO Zoom account
    • Registered participants can view additional details of the virtual meeting entered by meeting organizer
  • Time Planner enhanced: Breakdown of P-members, O-members, and Liaison members that can be represented in a meeting at a particular time is displayed in addition to the total number of “Included potential attendees” and “Excluded Potential attendees” in the Time planner
  • Attendee status: Possibility to select and set status of multiple registered participants to “Not attended” at the same time

2021/12 Release

Released on 2021-12-17

Version 1.14

Release 2021/12 is aimed to assist in organization and management of hybrid (Onsite/ Virtual) and Virtual meetings

  • A note is displayed during the period selection step of the meeting creation process reminding ISO meeting organizers to use the Time Planner option in in the meetings platform in order to identify the best time to schedule their meeting. This will assist meeting organizers ensure that they make every effort to avoid requiring participants to work in the middle of the night in their time zone (approximately 00:00 to 05:00) as per the TMB/SMB GUIDANCE ON EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL AND HYBRID MEETING (MG 1.0).
  • A new reason to record the cancelation of a meeting with the plan to create a future hybrid (Onsite/Virtual) meeting within 6, 12, or 18 months, is now available.

2021/08 Release

Released on 2021-08-24

Version 1.13

Release 2021/08 is aimed to upgrade Meeting to ensure its GDPR compliance. Changes includes:

  • New report for participant and guest personal information.
  • Participant and guest personal information no available once the meeting closes

Other improvements:

  • Date of all meeting status is now displayed in the meeting timeline
  • Attendance list sorted by particiipant's country of origin and HOD is displayed ahead of the delegation
  • Meeting organizer can now create virtual committee meetings.

2021/07 Release

Released on 2021-07-05

Version 1.12

  • A new version of the Meetings platform will allow users to seamlessly navigate across ISO and CEN meetings from the same place, if they have relevant roles in ISO and/or CEN committees.
  • This means that the whether Meetings platform is accessed from the ISO portal or the CEN portal, ISO and CEN meetings users with *relevant access rights* will now be able to:
    • search and view both ISO/CEN meetings from the same place
    • register to ISO/CEN meetings (in which they have relevant roles) from the same place
    • as an ISO committee officer, organize ISO meetings and as a CEN committee officer, organize CEN meetings, from the same place
    • browse through the ISO knowledgebase and contact the ISO/CEN Helpdesk for support via the ISO/CEN help beacon

*Users with roles in ISO and CEN committees, or users whose NSB is a CEN member, or whose account is administered by CEN, will be able to access ISO and CEN meetings. They can register to only those ISO meetings in which they have required roles (such as committee member)

Read more in this article: Navigating across ISO and CEN meetings.

2021/05 Release

Released on 2021-05-18

  • TMB resolution 20/2020 - JDMT Recommendation 11/201912: agenda for fully virtual WG meetings must be submitted at least 4 weeks before start date of the meeting (vs 6 weeks for onsite or onsite/virtual WG meetings). Notification to meeting organizers and TPMs will be sent accordingly, first reminder at 8 weeks, and second reminder at 4 weeks before meeting start date. Notification will not be sent if the task is marked as complete.
  • TMB resolution 27/2020 - DMT Recommendation 08/2019: WG meeting minutes and attendance lists must be submitted within 4 weeks of closure of the meeting. Notification to meetings organizers and TPMs will be sent accordingly, first reminder at closure of meeting, and second reminder at the deadline: closure + 4 weeks. Notification will not be sent if the task is marked as complete.
  • Meeting coordinator of the of the NSB hosting an onsite meeting, will receive a notification when a participant requests an invitation letter for visa purposes in their registration form.

2020/11 Release

Released on 2020-11-18

  • All meetings in “Proposed” status that are past their end date will be deleted. Meeting organizers will be duly notified prior each deletion.
  • Complying with GDPR guidelines, attendee e-mail addresses will no longer be displayed in the PDF attendance list. 
  • Tooltip added on the red alert icon in the "Overview" page to indicate missing tasks to be completed by meeting organizers
  • Attendee page will display “self-registered“ or “registered by an MPA“ for participants
  • Officers of Child Structure can register to direct parent meetings even in 'Registration deadline' status
  • Registration deadline date of meetings can be modified up to two days prior to start date of meeting
  • Meeting feedback survey sent to TPMs and meeting organizers includes more meaningful descriptions of the questions asked to participants
  • ISO Technical Editors (Editorial Programme Managers) can view meetings for their committees in the “MY Meetings” section
  • Meeting participant approvers (MPA) of parent committees and Centralized MPAs can view their NSB’s participants in the child working group meetings
  • Hovering over a Committee number will display the English and French title of the committee via a tooltip throughout the application 
  • Exported meeting lists will contain English and French title of the committee
  • “My meetings“ section will display meetings where the user is registered by an MPA, in addition to meetings in which the user has a role
  • Missing mandatory fields in the registration form will be highlighted for more clarity
  • Technical upgrade and bug fixes

2020/10 Release

Released on 2020-10-21

  • flexible meeting start, end times and time zones.
  • adding a meeting to a personal calendar (available only for confirmed participants)
  • easy filter to sort participants by type of attendance (virtual or onsite)
  • more flexibility to change type of confirmed meeting (e.g. from Onsite or Onsite/Virtual meetings to Virtual only meetings).
  • automated notification to impacted users upon meeting type change
  • Virtual meeting password field
    • all committee officers can insert and modify the virtual meeting password field
    • all confirmed attendees can view the virtual meeting password field
  • Committee officers with an ISO Zoom account (that matches their ISO account) can schedule a zoom meeting from within the ISO meetings application for a meeting in which they have a direct role as committee officer.
  • The User Interface (UI) of ISO Meetings applications has been harmonised with (i.e. similar look and feel across our applications to facilitate overall readability) for a more seamless user experience.

2020/05 Release

Released on 2020-05-06

Released on 2020-05-09

  • COVID19 restriction: Only virtual meetings can be created - target date extended to August 2020

Released on 2020-05-07

  • Technical upgrade
  • New feature: 
    • Meeting organizers need to provide timeline and type of next meeting to be scheduled in case of meeting cancellation.
    • All users can view the cancellation reason of meetings

Released on 2020-05-04

2020/04 Release

Released on 2020-04-15

  • COVID19 restriction: Only virtual meetings can be created- target date extended to July 2020

2020/03 Release

Released on 2020-03-16

  • COVID19 restrictions: Only virtual meetings can be created until June 2020
    • Display a popup screen to inform users about the ISO official decision regarding physical meetings
    • Display a banner in the meeting creation wizard to inform about the ISO official decision regarding physical meetings
    • Prevent Meeting Organizers from creating non-virtual meetings held before the target date (June 2020)
    • Convert non-virtual meetings within the time period to virtual meetings

2020/01 Release

Released on 2020-01-15

  • Technical upgrade

2019/09 Release

Released on 2019-09-16

  • Technical improvements to the web-service. No functional changes
  • No longer possible to request a resource without any request parameters (did return too large data)
  • Possibility to request paged results by specifying 2 new "size" and "page" request parameters
  • Performance improvements
  • Reduced resources used on server to improve service stability

2019/07 Release

Released on 2019-07-01

  • Technical upgrade

2019/03 Release

Released on 2019-03-13

  • Technical upgrade

2019/03 Release

Released on 2019-03-04

  • Web-service was denying permission to add national roles when too many potential appointing organizations
  • Web-service no longer allows searching projects by creation nor modification dates. Only assignments modification date (for roles).

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