Documents release notes

2023-2024 Roadmap

  • ISO and CEN working documents context improvement for better understanding by national experts
    • 2023-07-11 UPDATE: The naming convention article is now available and integrated with the document creation form so that people uploading documents can easily find these guidelines.
    • 2024-03-25 UPDATE:
      • In notifications, documents referencing ISO projects now include the name of the project on top of the project reference (VS only the reference before)
      • N document notifications now also include the first 100 characters of the document description
  • Reporting capabilities
  • Ability to subscribe to folder/document updates and get a notification whenever changes are made
    • 2023-07-11 UPDATE: This feature was released in a preliminary phase for the ISO Central Secretariat employees to capture feedback and finetune the implementation before opening to the entire community.
  • Global Directory data quality review (inactive users, NMCs with no roles, NMC mapping disbanded committees)
  • Initiation of a project to provide committees with a communication platform to improve collaboration. Should you be interested in sharing your insight, please complete this form.
    • 2023-05-19 UPDATE: the communication platform project is temporarily put on hold due to a reshuffle of project priorities.
  • National Documents
    • APIs for national committee documents
    • Improvement of the national automatic notifications (allow users to manage by themselves the frequency of these and possibly introduce more criteria)
    • National eBalloting integration improvement
    • National Project Portal integration

Release notes

Version 3.0

Released on 2024-07-09

  • Major technical upgrade of the Nuxeo LTS version
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.7

Released on 2024-03-25

  • ISO notifications improvement for a better understanding of the document context:
    • For documents related to projects, first 100 characters of the project title are included (along with the project reference) in the notification.
    • First 100 characters of the document description are included in the notification.
  • When linking a project reference to a document's metadata, the corresponding project stage is set automatically.
  • Documents of type "Decision" can now be created within the "Projects" folder of ISO committees and groups and CEN committees
  • A meeting's start date displayed in the Documents application, is now the particular committee/group meeting's first day, and not the start date of the overall meeting period of the entire related meeting structure.
  • National Documents
    • The committee member list can be configured to also include the Global Directory comment made when the role of the expert was assigned
    • The committee member list can be configured to also include the information "employee of" to reflect the information registered in the Global Directory
  • Minor technical upgrade and bug fixes

Version 2.6

Released on 2023-07-10

  • Integration of a document naming convention. When creating a new document, authors now have a link to the knowledge base article describing the guidelines for naming a document based on its content.
  • Zip and download link now included in email notifications so that users can directly download all the content of the message after authentication.
  • First implementation of the "follow" feature. This new button allows users to subscribe to updates whenever documents are added to a specific folder. In this first version, this feature is available only to ISO Central Secretariat staff and will eventually be extended to all the community.
  • Technical upgrade of the underlying technology, general bug fixes and other minor changes.

Version 2.5

Released on 2023-01-17

Version 2.4

Released on 2022-11-29

  • Documents creation: we slightly tweaked the document creation form so that the title is automatically filled in (which was already the case when left empty), moved up the rendition options closer to the title and, for file extensions known for not being supported for PDF conversion, updated the logic to set the rendition type to retain the original format.
  • Committee documents and Advanced search have been redesigned to improve usability.
  • Manual notifications have been reviewed to harmonize their look and feel.
  • National Documents
    • Member Body User Administrators can now get access, on the fly, to ISO/CEN National Mirror Committee documents. The Get access link to get permissions for the time of the connection can be found from the Related committees tab, in the top right corner of the Mirror committees widget.

Version 2.3

Released on 2022-09-29

Document file name logic update: so far, when downloading a document, the file name was prefixed with the committee reference but spaces were removed. With this update, the committee reference is not altered anymore (before "ISO-IECJTC1-SC2-WG2_N5130_Toward encoding [...] VS now "ISO-IEC JTC 1-SC 2-WG 2_N5188_"[...]). 

  • National Documents
    • The audience of manual notifications can be specified by the sender
    • Create a relationship between documents ("Document A is related to Document B and C"): this can be used to regroup documents related to a common topic that is of special interest for the national committee.
    • Languages preferences can now be updated by users directly from their user preferences.
    • New document type available for NSBs to include in their configurations: Publications. These documents represent deliverables made available by the committee and watermarked on the fly with the information of the person downloading the document. 
  • General minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version 2.2

Planned for 2022-06-27

  • To improve the understanding of documents, when viewing a list of documents, the description is shown in addition to the title
  • The author of a document can now decide the location of the watermark added to a PDF document
  • The user interface is now available in Dutch (courtesy of NEN), Swedish (courtesy of SIS) and Italian (courtesy of UNI). (Spanish and French versions are already available since version 1.18).
  • National Documents
    • Improved management of sub working areas
    • New tab ISO Content: this new page contains a first widget listing ISO projects managed by ISO mirrored committees and allowing national users to follow their favorite projects. In one click, experts can see all documents related to that particular project. In future versions, the ISO Content tab will be enriched with widgets that will help national users understanding the ISO and CEN mirror committees.

  • General minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version 2.1

Released on 2022-05-17

  • File storage upgrade: documents are now stored faster upon upload
  • National Documents
    • New area for managing national cross-committee documentation 
    • Improvement of the NSB landing pages: better look and feel and access to support so users have a better experience when starting their journey
    • General minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version 2.0

Released on 2022-04-08

  • Major technology upgrade. The underlying technology behind the Documents platform has been updated to the latest version. This version brings improvements in accessibility. 
  • Favorite committees are no longer limited to 15 on the Dashboard
  • Preparatory work around the management of support documentation

Version 1.18

Released on 2022-03-07

Version 1.17

Released on 2022-01-20

  • Committees carrying on the work of existing committees (usually disbanded) have now access to the workspace of the former committee workspace
  • The access list now also shows groups having access to the committee documents.
  • Mail archives are now downloadable (PDF). This can facilitate the sharing of important messages to national mirror committees.
  • Committee A replaces committe B relationship: Committees carrying the work from another committee (to be disbanded) can now be granted access to the original committee workspace. Please contact copying your Technical Programme Manager to request this type of access for your committee. 
  • General improvements and bug fixes.

Version 1.16

Released on 2021-11-25

Version 1.15

Released on 2021-10-21

Version 1.14

Released on 2021-09-28

  • New widget: pinned content. This widget allows the Committee Manager to highlight important document by adding them to the pin board shown on the committee home page
  • New widget for committees in the Online Standards Development pilot: access directly your ongoing documents from ISO Documents 
  • Document creators can now disable the online reading panel view if they feel the rendition is not accurate (i.e. Excel rendition)
  • "Full member list" renamed to "Access list" for better understanding
  • Documents whose rendition failed are now indicated in the Committee Manager weekly email digest (already listing documents pending notification and reserved N numbers)
  • Behind the scene, ISO Documents is getting ready for its next major milestone:host national mirror committee documents
  • ISO Documents now allows you to navigate between CEN and ISO Documents from the same platform if you hold a role on documents for both organisations.You can easily identify the specific CEN or ISO workspace you are visiting through a coherent CEN and ISO visual identity.
  • The new homepage look and feel brings better visibility to what matters most in ISO Documents: committee documents!
  • General improvements and bug fixes.

Version 1.13

Released on 2021-05-18

Version 1.12

Released on 2021-03-17

  • Export list of documents and their meta data in a CSV file
  • Updated cover page template to indicate information about "replacing" and "replaced by" documents
  • Various user interface adjustments to align ISO and CEN committees user experience
  • Migration of Public information content to the Administration folder. Content remains not public in SD Documents but becomes easily accessible for Committee Managers
  • Migration of compound content
  • Many bugs fixes (including the consolidation of N number management and browser cache management and some encryption issues in past mail archives)

Version 1.11

Released on 2021-02-10

  • "Resolutions" renamed to "Decisions"
  • New rich text editor for sending notifications. This new editor addresses the issue with URLs and copy/pasting of external text
  • Ballot documents widget now also displays ballot closing date and sorts ballots by date
  • Logout button added directly in the interface along with the preferences menu to change user account details
  • CEN committees having joined the platform, both CEN and ISO now have a dedicated home page showing only CEN or ISO committees 
  • Improved integration with ISO Ballots and ISO Meetings: the ballot documents and meeting documents widget now include a shortcut to the committee's meetings and ballots in these applications 

Version 1.10

Released on 2021-01-13

  • Export member list only (VS Full member list until this point). This is only available to Committee Managers, Convenors and support teams
  • Meeting, project and ballot picker now available for all document types (for example, to extend the automatic generation of the meeting documents package to other documents types not strictly classified as such)
  • Major back end upgrades to accommodate future configurations

Version 1.9

Expected to be released on 2020-11-19

Version 1.8

Released on 2020-10-14

  • Ballot documents widget now available from the home page of each committees 
  • eForm 4 integration: upload form automatically to ISO Documents at the end of the process
  • Post Voting Decision integration: upload form automatically to ISO Documents at the end of the process
  • New content type: Link (URLs)
  • Pending notifications reminder emails: did you forget to publish and N document? No problem, ISO Documents will remind you with an email (one for all your committees) along with the list of reserved N numbers. 

Version 1.7

Released on 2020-09-15

  • Performance improvements for an even faster user experience
  • Increase title length from 70 to 250 characters
  • Various User Interface improvements to optimize empty spaces on screen
  • Document picker for email to members to be able to attach not only N documents but also content from the Member upload area folder
  • Support for moving folders (not only documents)
  • Better integration with ISO Meetings: new widget listing meetings and related documents
  • Export committee members and people who have access to the committee from the full member list
  • Search documents by N number range (all documents between 2 numbers, all the latest documents after a given number or all numbers before a given number). 
  • New meeting documents widget listing meetings and providing a quick access to ISO Meetings and all meeting documents tagged as such 

  • Other minor updates and bug fixes

Version 1.6

Released on 2020-07-06

Please note

This version (and the following ones) will integrate changes making ISO Documents even faster to navigate.

  • Upload and categorize automatically documents from ISO Meetings
  • Major performance improvements (opening of documents, committee structure, document rendition)
  • Access to disbanded committee documents for Committee Managers
  • Email archives are no longer listed in the Committee Documents view to better focus on documents. These can still be search for from the Advanced search.
  • General bug fixes

Version 1.5

Released on 2020-06-11

  • Improved performances
  • Update default sorting for Committee documents: documents are now listed by ascending creation date (VS modification date)
  • Document download button moved so it is easier to find
  • Update permission on Member upload area folder so that all committee members can share documents with other experts
  • Tons of bug fixes and performances improvement 

Version 1.4

Released on 2020-05-05

  • Email general improvements (preview messages before sending, more space for writing, etc)
  • Home page: quick filter on committee names for faster access to your committee workspace
  • TC Secretary now referred to as Committee Manager
  • Simplified creation of resolutions
  • Allow the update of references to external content (meetings, ballots, and projects) even after N document publication
  • Tons of small improvements and some bugfixes

Version 1.3

Released on 2020-04-07

  • Committee structure menu now allows the navigation within a committee structure
  • Full member list now available (formerly known as "Secretary member list")
  • Improved document audit - now listing all events and allows the filtering by date
  • Search by document title (VS only full-text search)
  • Improved user interface of rich text editor for writing email messages (more space for text, automatic signature and more) 
  • Minor user interface fine-tuning and general bug fixes

Version 1.2

Released on 2020-03-26

  • Remove options to download PDF documents when the PDF rendition was disabled
  • Copy/pasting enabled for in the rich text editor used to write emails
  • Preparatory work to display "Committee Manager" instead of "Secretary"
  • Simplified document creation by setting automatically some data subtypes when there is only one choice
  • Improved filtering of projects when creating documents
  • Minor user interface fine-tuning and general bug fixes

Version 1.1

Released on 2020-03-09

  • Improved ballot and project picker during document creation
  • Withdrawal of documents fully supported including the option to un-withdraw
  • N number reservation
  • Improved notification signature
  • Longer session timeout
  • Officers can now download the originally uploaded file (VS the PDF rendition)
  • People listed several times in the committee are now notified only once
  • Minor user interface fine-tuning and general bug fixes

Version 1.0

Released on 2020-02-04

  • Cover page now includes a unique QR code tracing the document back to its digital version on ISO Documents
  • When downloading documents, the filename is now prefixed with the committee reference
  • When creating ballot documents the ballot stage metadata is set automatically when picking a ballot
  • Improved version management
  • General improvements and bug fixes

Version 0.9 Pilot go live

Released on 2020-01-17

  • Enable mail archive search
  • Improved roles management
  • Implement automatic signature for notifications
  • Committee workspace now connected with to see all public committee information just one click away
  • General user interface fine-tuning and bug fixes

Version 0.8

Released on 2019-12-22

  • Improved "N document list" widget
  • Rich Text Editor for email redaction ("N document notification" and "Email to members")
  • Zip and download link in notifications
  • Improve "replaced by" relationship display
  • Improved folder view (column selection, thumbnails improvement, )
  • General cover page improvements
  • Improved support for Microsoft Edge (anticipating the general release of Edge Chromium by Microsoft)
  • Improved "Resolution" document type
  • Improve navigation to other ISO services by adding a shortcut to the portal in the beacon
  • General user interface improvements (withdrawn documents, general labels consolidation, breadcrumb persisted in the "N document list" view), improved N document watermarking

Version 0.7

Released on 2019-12-09

  • Emails sent from the platform are now archived (a.k.a "Mail archive" functionality)
  • Hiding of the committee structure navigation menu for now
  • Consolidate N document lifecycle and transitions rules
  • Improve "email to members" document picker
  • Improve user interface contrast for better visibility
  • Integration with Ballots data and links to ISO Ballots
  • First version of a "N document list" widget
  • General user interface improvements (consolidated button labels, improved contrast, display longer document titles, improve breadcrumb visibility)

Version 0.6

Released on 2019-11-25

  • Stabilized version with major bug fixes (e.g.notifications, email to members, N-numbering and rendition)
  • Empty N numbers now reused automatically
  • Draft implementation of mail archive 
  • Integration with Project data and links to ISO Project
  • User Interface and navigation continuous improvements (including Microsoft Edge major UI fixes)

Version 0.5

Released on 2019-11-07

  • Synchronize role assignment in a committee based on Global Directory
  • Fine-tune N document lifecycle (version freeze, document replacement, withdrawal and avoid empty numbers)
  • Notifications: add text formatting toolbar and improve document picker
  • Performance improvement for member list
  • Implement clipboard functionality for better document moving
  • Implement new PDF rendition cover page
  • Improve icon set and contrast for a more intuitive experience (and other general user interface improvements )

Version 0.4

Released on 2019-10-25

  • "Email to members" feature (implemented via the "member list" view)
  • Implementation of the dynamic member list (live committee composition from the Global Directory test environment)
  • Committees information is now synchronized with the Global Directory
  • Breadcrumb redesign to improve the navigation
  • Consolidation of the advanced search criteria
  • Removal of the "documents" tab view in the committee (the equivalent of the N document list) in favor of a better advanced search
  • Removal of the "Favorites" functionality until further improvement 
  • General user interface improvements (including notifications) and bug fixes

Version 0.3

Released on 2019-10-11

  • Documents can now have an "expected action" and "target date" (similarly to eCommittees)
  • When creating a document and selecting the related meeting, the meeting list is now dynamic (real meeting data from the test environment)
  • Notifications with content grouped by "expected action item" for better visibility for experts/committee members
  • Improved content type (File VS Meetings, Projects, Resolutions) for easier content creation and better readability in folder view
  • Improved navigation with 1 new left navigation menu to navigate within the current committee structure 
  • Minor visual improvements

Version 0.2

Released on 2019-09-27

  • Zip and download now available
  • Documents can now be deleted when in draft status
  • Improved ergonomy for meeting and ballot widgets
  • Major bug fixes for Microsoft Edge
  • Better pdf rendition
  • Prevent creation of committees from the user interface
  • Support widget (aka "beacon") now allowing people to search for articles and resource material while using ISO Documents
  • Document thumbnails now skip the cover page to render a more meaningful image

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