OSD - Training exercises for authors
This article is relevant for:
1 Access training environment
- To access the training environment, please visit: https://sd-train.iso.org/projects/project/77462/online-docs
- Please contact the helpdesk@iso.org to request access.
The document refresh automatically every 6hr! So you may not see the content you have created the day before.
2 Exercises on authoring
Ex 1. Open a word document and copy paste a couple of paragraphs in the blank document. Change the format of the text if needed
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s):
Ex 2. Insert a numbered list in a clause
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/616-working-with-lists
Ex 3: Create a new clause and then add a sub-clause
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/620-manage-clauses#sub-title1
Ex 4: Move a clause and check if the numbering has been adjusted automatically
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s):
Ex 5: Add a table with title. Create a header row and add table footnotes
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s):
Ex 6: Add a figure and create a legend for this figure
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/613-add-and-manage-graphics
Ex 7: Add an inline image in a sentence
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/613-add-and-manage-graphics#sub-title3
Ex 8: Add a reference to an IEC, ISO or CENCENELEC standard. Check the clause 2 Normative references
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/621-add-modify-delete-references-in-the-normative-references-bibliography-clauses
Ex 9: Add a cross-reference to the table you have created in exercise 6
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/617-in-document-cross-references
Ex 10: Add a note and change it for an example
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/615-add-notes-examples-and-codes
3 Exercises on commenting
Ex 1: Add three comments: one to a clause, one to a paragraph and one to a sentence
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/630-add-comments-and-proposals
Ex 2: Edit the comment you made on the paragraph
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/630-add-comments-and-proposals#sub-title3
Ex 3: If there are other comments in the document, reply to one of the comment
- For the resolution, please view the following article(s): https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/638-agree-disagree-and-support-others-comments