Online member commenting for ISOlutions members during CD Consultation and DIS/FDIS ballot

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ISOlutions members

Online Member Commenting process overview

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For more information on the different options of participation to the OSD Member Commenting view the article: Member Commenting - getting started

When an ISO Consultation or ballot opens, the link to access the Online Document is automatically accessible via the NPOS ballot. When the NPOS ballot opens, the national experts are notified and can access the online document to provide their comments via the NPOS ballot. At the closure of the NPSO ballot, the National Secretary can pause the commenting so national experts no longer provide comments. The last step for National Secretary is to consolidate the comments by accepting or rejecting the comments. Accepted comments will become visible to the ISO Committee Manager once the ISO consultation/ballot closes.

Warning - ISOlutions members using NEB which do not want to use the National Online Commenting (option A)

For NMCs that do not want to use the National Online Commenting process (option A), the National Secretary needs to follow the steps below before the NPOS ballot opens:

1. Download the Word version of the document and save it as pdf

2. Remove the Online Document link and add the pdf version in the reference document section

3. Informe the NMCs' members that commenting is done via the ISO/IEC Commenting Template

For more information on the above steps, please view the article Option B: Upload national comments from ISO/IEC commenting file

ISO committee mapping with National committee

In the below example, the NSB has 3 NMCS related to the ISO/TC 34/SC 8 committee. When a CD consultation opens for ISO/TC 34/SC 8, the National Committee Members / Observers of NSB/TC 1, NSB/TC 2 and NSB/TC 3 will be able to provide comments online in the document. The National Secretaries of the 3 NMCs will then need to coordinate to consolidate the national comments and submit all relevant comments to ISO.

National experts provide comments directly in the online document.

Once the NPOS ballot opens, national experts will be able to provide their comments directly in the online document. Permissions to access the Online CD/DIS or FDIS draft are driven by the role of users in the National Mirror Committees (NMCs) related to the ISO committee launching the CD consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot. 

Default permissions for NMCs members

The below table summarizes the default permissions in OSD for the NMCs members

National role (NMC) Permission in Online Document (OSD)

National Secretary and support team

National Chair


  • Responsible to consolidate national comments and submit national comments to ISO
  • Accept/Reject national comments

National Committee Member

National Observer


  • Can provide comments in the Online Draft.
  • Can see other National Committee Members / Observers comments.
  • Can support other National Committee Members / Observers comments

Please note

If more than one NMC is link to an ISO committee, National Committee Members / Observers can view comments from all NMCs. 

Commenting for NMC members

National Secretary can pause the commenting at the closure of NPOS ballot

In order to allow National Secretary to resolve National comments without having new comments being added, it is possible to pause the commenting period.

This action will prevent the National contributors to post any new comments, they will be informed of this when opening the online document by a pop-up message as below:

Notification shown to National contributors when comments are paused

Note that during the paused commenting period:

  • Voters/National Secretary can accept or reject comments
  • National contributors can view all comments but cannot add new ones.

To pause the commenting period, open the menu Other tools and select Pause commenting

Voter and National Secretary can always resume the commenting period by selecting Other tools Resume commenting

National Secretary consolidate the national contributions by accepting or rejecting the national experts comments

Once all comments have been provided in the online document, the National Secretary can review the comments and accept or reject the comments accordingly to only submit relevant comments to ISO.

For more information about submitting comment to ISO please view: Submit comments to ISO

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