OSD release notes

Version 3.70 - May 2023


Member Commenting

  • New: Voter can pause the commenting phase during CD Consultation and DIS ballot: Pause Commenting

Create and manage Project team

Bugs fixes

  • Performance improvements
  • Improved import of comments process "upload from file"

Version 3.60 - December 2023


  • Improvements to tables
  • Improvements to numbered paragraphs behavior
  • New formatting options for text
  • Improve search features
  • Review of labelling to reference to Directives Part 2
  • Performance and bug fixes


  • Improved integration of OSD with ISO/CS editing processes

Version 3.50 - October 2023


  • New behavior for headers of tables, with a default bolding, formatting now possible including line breaks
  • New attribute for landscape layout for specific elements (table-wrap, fig and fig-group)
  • New element / configuration : Inline code
  • Table footnotes won’t appear anymore in overview
  • It is now possible to cross reference figure groups and sub elements.
  • New type in term addition/part of speech = Not set which will be now the new “default” option

Document history

  • Change of the label "Milestone" to "Version" in interface text
  • New feature enabling major and minor versions in the versions panel.


  • Voter can now save draft resolution in Comments to resolve tab

Bugs fixes

  • Abbreviations list sorting improvement
  • Numbering improvements
  • Performance improvements

Version 3.40 - June 2023

Online Standards Development - stage coverage

  • Online Standards Development is now available for Enquiry stage for a limited number of pilot projects

Document history and versioning

  • New document history feature to enable drafters to save and compare versions of the document throughout the development of the document
    • Save snapshot(s) at any time during a specific stage
    • Automatic versioning of the document when project change stage


Authoring improvements and bug fixes

  • Improvement in managing clauses:
    • New warning message informing that removing a clause will also remove all related sub-clause
    • New warning message informing that a clause containing un-resolved comments cannot be removed
  • Box text are no longer available
  • Bug fixes

Version 3.30 - April 2023

Online Standards Development - stage coverage and project activation

  • Online Standards Development is now available for preliminary and proposal stage
  • Committee Managers can activate the Online Document mode for new project directly from ISO Projects
  • New Online Document tab available in ISO Projects 

Member commenting: Improved access for NMCs managed in GD

Content Quality improvements

Authoring, commenting improvements and bug fixes

  • Term entry update - A term and definition is now required at minimum to validate the entry
  • Notes for equations are now possible
  • Possibility to add sub-clauses in terminology
  • A motivation is now required when submitting comments to ISO (accept national comment)
  • Bug fixes

Version 3.20 - February 2023

Member commenting improvements: Upload directly as national comments, discard national comments, draft resolutions, enhanced comments dashboard, improved comment card display

Version 3.10 - December 2022

Authoring and rendering improvements: Sub figures, numbered paragraphs content quality rules, and performance improvement 

Version 3.07 - September 2022

Enhancements to member commenting features

Version 3.0 - June 2022

New member commenting features, comment resolution features and UI enhancements

Member commenting features:

With the release of this version, the OSD platform can now support the member commenting process on ISO and IEC International Standards during Committee Stage. The OSD member commenting process and options available to members are detailed in the article Member Commenting - Getting Started. New features of the platform includes:

Comment resolution features enhancements:


  • Comments are now directly visible to other members of the WG during the Preparatory stage to improve collaboration.

UI enhancement:

  • Outline (navigation menu) now available on the left side of the draft
  • Track changes, Comments & Proposals, and Quality check options are now available in a collapsible and expandable “bubble" toolbar on the top right hand corner.
  • New resolve comments tab available for leaders
  • Content quality check, Comments &Proposals and Track changes are deactivated by default and need to be manually activated by the users at every login.
  • Manage comments dashboard can be accessed from new button on the top menu bar.
  • New widget in the Manage comments dashboard to display the number of comments per country (only visible at committee stage)
  • New icon for comments that have lost their position

Version 2.0.4 - April 2022

UI changes:

Version 2.0 - February 2022

Enhanced commenting and comment resolution features and technical upgrade:

Version 1.6 - December 2021

Enhanced authoring and collaboration features and technical upgrade:

  • New alternative numbering scheme: The platform now supports both numbering schemes (default and alternative numbering) defined in the ISO/IEC directives. The numbering scheme needs to be defined at the time of onboarding. To change your current auto-numbering scheme contact helpdesk@iso.org
  • Terms and Definitions
    • Quick term creation from any word in the draft along with automatic cross referencing
    • Possibility to link a word in the publication (Cross referencing) to a terminological entry
    • Possibility to create Term entries at 3rd level
  • New element: possibility to create Abbreviated terms lists
  • Collaboration features
    • Unlock all clauses (for Leaders only) 
    • Unlock all my clauses: users can unlock all clauses locked by themselves.
  • Technical upgrade
    • Performance improvement
    • Bug fixes

Version 1.5.4 - November 2021

WD Study process and Permissions management:

  • New WDS ballot introduced
  • UI for Leaders to manage permissions at stage 20.00 and 20.60
  • Management of transversal and vertical roles
    • Parent committee officers will have read only access to the draft
    • Sibling committee officers will have read only access to the draft

Version 1.5.1 - October 2021

Improved commenting features:

  • Unique identifier number automatically applied to comments for easy referencing
  • UTC and local time automatically applied to comments placed
  • Possibility to Agree/Disagree (via a button click) with comments
  • Improved management of comments on locked clauses
  • Improved management of tags by leaders
  • Automatic resolution of proposed changes when accepted.
  • New comment filtering options: filter by commentor's name, date, element type (e.g. table, figure, formula)

Bug fixes and other improvements

Version 1.5.0 - September 2021

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Improved authoring features:

  • Improved numbering (Introduction, notes, examples, Annexes, Bibliography)
  • New feature to enable cross references to list items
  • Improved table authoring and styling
  • Improved terminology management

Improved user interface:

  • Improved visualization of lock statuses in the sheet frame headers of clauses

Content quality:

  • Spell checker now available from the content quality check

Comment and comment resolution

  • Export comments and/or resolution to excel

Version 1.4 - July 2021

Commenting | Read more: Add comments and proposals, Manage tags

  • Possibility to create proposed change (including motivation field)
  • Proposed change available on any element
  • Specific proposed changes for equations and figures
  • Possibility to tag comments with custom labels
  • Feature for leaders to create and manage custom tags
  • New filter pane available to review comments

Comment resolution | Read more: Resolve comments

  • New resolution types available to reflect directives
  • Possibility to apply proposed changed automatically (Text, Equations and Figures)

Export to Word:

  • Export to word available for Project Leader

Version 1.3 - June 2021

  • Document Structure | Read more: Manage clausesAdd annexes
    • The Structure menu at the top is no longer available.
    • Possibility to create clauses, sub-clauses, term entries, and additional annexes with one button click. 
    • Adding clauses and sub clauses from Foreword, and Normative references is no longer possible.
  • Outline: Drag and Drop Clauses | Read more: Manage clauses
    • An appropriate message is displayed when drag and drop action for a clause via the Outline tab is not allowed.
  • Removing mandatory clauses | Read more: Manage clauses
    • Mandatory clauses such as Foreword and Normative References can no longer be removed.
  • Commenting mode | Read more: Visualization tools
    • A new mode called Commenting mode to view the document is now available. This mode has limited features enabled: 
      • Possibility to view the document in read only mode.
      • The right hand panel is by default collapsed. It contains only the following tabs: Outline, Comments, and Search.
      • In this mode, it is only possible to comment on the document
    • This is the only mode available to users with Contributor permissions.
    • Users with Leader and Author permissions can switch between default view/edit mode and review mode.
  • Terminological entries | Read more: Terms and definitions
    • Terminological entries can be inserted from anywhere in the document. 
    • The Term entry will automatically be added under clause 3 Terms and Definitions
  • Tables | Read more: Manage tables
    • Enhanced possibility to format tables.
    • Cell(s) selection using mouse drag and drop is possible.
  • Normative References | Read more: Normative and Bibliographic references
    • Possibility to filter and search by organization while inserting a normative reference.
  • Authoring | Read more: Copy, cut and pasteAdd text elements
    • Possibility to copy paste of hyperlinks from external application such as MS Word.
    • Inserting symbols adds the symbol to a list of recently used symbols for easier inserting later.
  • Content Quality | Read more: Content quality check
    • Quality check tab is no longer available on the right side.
    • Quality check options are now available under Tools menu.
    • Content quality options are now JIT (Just in time) compatible, ensuring that it is activated for entire document and not just for currently loaded clauses.
    • Content quality can be filtered by categories.

Version 1.2 - March 2021

  • Technical upgrade

Version 1.1 - January 2021

  • Table styling
    • The options to manage the layout of tables have been enriched with borders, border styles and colors.
    • It is now possible to choose a set of cells / rows / columns on which you want to apply this styling.
    • All options are available via the "TABLE STYLING" menu:
  • Outline improvements
    • It is now possible to see in the outline the clauses that you are currently locking.
    • Improvements have been made when moving clauses in the outline. It is possible to move unloaded clauses.
  • Improvements to normative / Bibliographic references: 
    • Management of normative/bibliographic references to journals, books, websites,
    • Possibility to delete existing references from the Clause 2 and the Bibliography, with a control on the presence of the reference in the tex
  • Minor improvements & Bug fixing
    • Improvements in managing Footnotes, copying and pasting footnotes.
    • Improvements to the search engine.
    • Improvements to lists and lists behaviors.
    • Improvements to the management of terminological entries.
    • Numbering improvements.
    • Bug fixing, performance improvements.

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